Hi, I am Emily French, I love to write. I write songs, I write training curriculum, I write books and I love developing people. Every day I am a mother of 3 boys, and a full-time employee in Human Resources and Leadership Development at a Mission Organization. I received my Masters in Human Relations from The University of Oklahoma in 2013 and found it totally encapsulated all of who I am. I soaked in every moment. This part of my journey exposed other areas I wanted to express myself and use my gifts outside of the music arena. I now am passionate about all things that help people on their journey of development. I would love to invite you to join me on the journey of becoming! 

Often we underestimate the power our beliefs have on our lives. Many of us believe things about ourselves because of experiences that we have been through as children that were out of our control. We may also believe things just because we don't know anything different. Our current social climate bombards us with ideas and images that present themselves as truth or reality. How do we know what voice to follow and what is true? I love helping people see, or shining a light on the lies that we have internalized or the beliefs we are holding, that are actually holding us! If we can learn to sift through the current messages of society, our emotions, our internal voice and identify truth, we can change the way we experience life and ultimately may find True Life. The road to true life is NOT easy, it is very narrow, it is hard to find and few of us find it. But I would love to go searching with you!

emily J. french

becoming me

Meet Emily

© Kia & Co. 2021